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Call for submissions 2019 ASSITEJ Magazine

Source:CNTC    Updated:2018-11-20    Hits:

The 2019 ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering will be in Kristiansfrom September 2-5, 2019.

The specific theme for 2019 is Towards the Unknown: Confronting the Present.

The magazine will be published in English the original Language of the author. We will again create a visual magazine that communicates through images text. Both visuals text should address the theme: Confronting the Present.

This magazine calls for articles that confront the present, with an eye towards the unknown from numerous artistic perspectives:

  • How would we confront (re)presentations of childhood as artists, directors, actors, pedagogues, dramaturgs, researchers, producers, arts managers, dancers, musicians, scenographers, video artists?


  • How do we see the present audience how do we wish to see them? Which confrontations or interventions are necessary or implied?

  • How do we confront the rapidly evolving role of new media in TYA?

  • How do we confront lack of normativity promote inclusivity in TYA?

  • How does TYA confront the present crises affecting children youth?

  • How do we see the role of research in confronting the present?

  • What are the untold stories of the present how do we tell them?

  • How is contemporary TYA (re)presented on a global scale?

    Articles should 

  • be between 500-700 words maximum sent in Word PDF (both), Times 12pt font. 

  • include a title the name of the author at the top, a 25 word bio of the author at the end. 

  • be accompanied by high quality photos in separate files from the article, TIFF preferred but JPEG is acceptable, the size of the files should not be less than 5 MB.

    • Photos should be credited with name of photographer, company, play.

    • All files should be named by last name of author country. 

    • Submissions should be in English (Chinese translations will be provided).


    Deadline for submissions is January 5, 2019. 


Booking hotline:4001016161      contact information:cntc@cntc.org.cn
China Childern's Art Theare ©2015-2021      Technical support:Beijing Jingzheng Fangsheng
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